I am only being positive during these next however many months it will take for us to get pregnant, god willing. I know if things don't work out the way I want, I will have some sadness, but I really want to focus on the good parts of trying to make a miracle.
It's going to be hard, it has been hard. It's been frustrating, maddening, sad.... you know the emotion, it has been there. That being said, I want this baby making remembered to be made out of love- because we have so much love for our future child. I don't want to just remember crying when things didn't work out. I want to remember the excitement and what-ifs.
Sometimes with the way I've been thinking lately, so positive and uplifting- if I'm just trying to talk myself into feeling that way. I am truly not. I feel good about things. I feel happy that we are back in the "maybe we can make a baby this month" phase. I am realistic to the possibilities, but I won't let it get me down.
All it takes is one good egg and one lucky sperm ;-)