We finally had our real first round of treatment this cycle. I took 50 mg of clomid days 3-7, had blood work and ultrasound on day 10 which showed three follicles on the right ovary. I had to go for blood work every day for the next 4 days to allow us to see my LH surge. Last month when we weren't able to do our IUI, it was because I never got a + on the smiley face opk. We had missed our window.
On day 13, I finally got the surge we were looking for so we went in for our IUI Wednesday morning. I wore my lucky socks, put on all my lucky jewelry and brought my lucky stone that has "Believe" engraved on it.
The DH's sample was good- I still had 3 follicles that had been growing on the right side, the largest was at a nice 28mm! We decided to name it Faith for good luck. Then we had our first IUI :-) That was cycle day 14.
On cycle day 15, I still hadn't ovulated- which is typically abnormal for me so I got all upset thinking that my large and in charge follicle was actually a cyst. But, later that night I had a lot of pain in my right lower back that went down my leg. The next morning I finally had a temperature spike. I had ovulated!
Today is day 21. I had asked to go in for blood work to see if the clomid has made a difference in my progesterone levels. The doctor has diagnosed me, on top of the lovely stage 4 endometriosis with luteal phase deficiency. The only progesterone level that I have seen was 1 1/2 years ago and was 8.2. I am praying that I receive a phone call with good numbers. But if for some chance I do not, the reason I asked for the blood work was to allow us all (me and my infertility team) to have more information about the plan going into our second IUI- if that is what is meant to happen.
My thoughts on this entire cycle are both positive and at the same time I feel indifferent. I would love to sit here and be a joyous, very positive Melissa but my past experience with loss and monthly heartache leaves me guarded. I so want this to work for us, I am so ready for my little miracle. Realistically, it's going to happen when it's meant to and not a day sooner.
At this time I sometimes feel robbed of the excitement others get to feel when they miss a period and get pregnant by accident. The sheer joy of having it work when you finally plan to start a family, leaves me wondering why not us? I still have issues feeling jealous of all those women out there who just don't understand the difficulty and heartache of infertility and loss. I try really hard not to feel this way and I most certainly do not wish this on anyone, ever. I am human and sometimes I can't help how I feel. I know that I have become a different person with this struggle, and I hope someday it all makes sense.
I'm trying to keep busy today, but as the time ticks away and my phone call is mere hours away, I am getting nervous. I have to remind myself that what will be, will be. I can't change the number right now. I can just pray that it helps in some way to allow me to become a mother one day.
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