Monday, August 25, 2014

Is IVF our answer? Who knows

I thought our journey would take a little longer before heading on to the big IVF, but in assuming and hoping for the best, I was wrong.

Before we started injectable medications, my doctor told us we would have three attempts and if that didn't work, then we would be discussing our further option of IVF. Well, due to my severity of endo and my husbands role in our reproductive journey, our doctor thought IVF would bypass both of our issues.

Which means that after this IUI, we will be on a TTC vacation for a while. I need to lose more weight while we try to sell our kidneys to afford this treatment.

I am sad, and I do feel slightly defeated. I will not stop though. One day I will be a mother, and my husband will be a father, it's just taking us the long route. It hurts my heart to know that we can't do it the old fashioned way, but I'm also happy that I live in a time where these medical technologies exist so we can hopefully (fingers crossed) have a chance at making a biological baby in this damn uterus of mine.

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